PRP Breast lift
Breast lift procedure may bring strong thoughts for patients about scalpel, pain, surgery and long term recovery. But that is not the case anymore. Traditional breast lift procedures, while invasive, have been used successfully for decades on patients dissatisfied with their breast size. The PRP Breast Lift, a new cosmetic procedure and the first non-surgical, non-invasive and no-downtime breast enhancement alternative for patients happy with their cup size, but concerned with the overall appearance of their breasts and cleavage area.
Utilizing the science of platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which enhancing the body’s natural growth factors to regenerate and heal tissue and, in rare cases, dermal filler might be added to the procedure, the PRP Breast Lift can visibly improve age or exposure-related skin deterioration on or between the breasts, and add noticeable volume to give a perkier, more youthful and balanced appearance. This exciting procedure is quickly revolutionizing the way patients and physicians think about breast enhancement.
As with any medical procedure, and as medical provider, I have obligation to educate patients and increase awareness of this effective procedure so patients are able to make an informed decision about the health and cosmetic appearance of their breasts. Below, is the three most important things patients need to know about PRP breast lift
1.The PRP breast list is NOT breast augmentation surgery. Traditional breast augmentation surgery is invasive and utilized to increase or decrease cup size, while the PRP Breast list improves the aesthetic appearance of the breasts and cleavage area, and is completely non-invasive, not painful and requires no downtime. Additionally, the PRP Breast Lift can repair effectively damaged or thinning skin related directly to a patient’s previous implant procedure, plump the areas where the implant may be showing and even improve nipple sensitivity and/or inversion.
2.The PRP Breast Lift works by using natural growth factors that are abundant in human blood. These growth factors are the body’s biological weapon against injury and aging, and are the driving force behind all healing which occurs naturally in the body. Thanks to scientific advances, health care providers are able to separate these specific growth factors from the blood (platelet rich plasma, or PRP) and utilize them on the dermis, or skin, which improves the look, feel and overall health of the tissue. By injecting PRP into the cleavage area, or the skin between the breasts, and fatty tissue surrounding the breasts, we are able to address skin deterioration and naturally regenerate tissue to improve the breasts’ overall look, texture, feel and health. In certain cases, dermal fillers may also be injected strategically to reduce implant–show, improve nipple sensitivity and projection and balance the areola and nipples.
3.The PRP Breast Lift is completely safe and proven effective. Health care providers utilize a sterile process for obtaining, concentrating and injecting PRP for cosmetic breast enhancement that is FDA-approved, and there has never been a documented complication from its use in any medical literature. Because the procedure utilizes the body’s own naturally occurring growth factors, there is no risk of side effects. It is vitally important that anyone considering a PRP Breast Lift consult with a provider. Patients can expect to see a relatively quick improvement in the overall quality and appearance of the skin on and between the breasts, with fine lines and wrinkles diminishing within the first few weeks after the procedure. Over time, continued collagen remodeling will further regenerate the skin, and the breasts’ fatty tissue becomes fuller and perkier, creating a more beautiful and youthful look.
If you are interested in learning more about the PRP Breast Lift, our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have, or schedule a consult to find out if this exciting procedure is right for you.
PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation& sexual Enhancement injections & Lichen Sclesosus Treatment
Lichen sclerosus is a skin disorder that causes the skin to become thin, whitened, and wrinkled, and often causes itching and pain. LS affects men and women at any age. It can develop on any skin surface, such as thighs, breasts, neck, in the mucus membrane inside the mouth etc,. but in women it most commonly occurs near the clitoris, on the labia (the inner and outer genital lips), and in the anal region.
The cause of lichen sclerosus (LS) is not clear. It is thought that genetic factors and autoimmune factors may contribute. An infectious organism has thus far not been identified, and LS is not contagious.
Lichen Sclerosus (LS) Signs and Symptoms
Features of genital LS in women — Some women with genital LS feel dull, painful discomfort in the vulva, while other women have no symptoms. The most common symptoms include:
Vulvar itching – The most common symptom of LS is itching. It may be so severe that it interferes with sleep.
Anal itching, fissures, bleeding, and pain
Painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) – This can occur as a result of repeated cracking of the skin (fissuring) or from narrowing of the vaginal opening due to scarring.
Typically, women with genital LS have thin, white, wrinkled skin on the labia, often extending down and around the anus. Purple-colored areas of bruising may be seen. Cracks may form in the skin in the area around the anus, the labia, and the clitoris. Relatively minor rubbing or sex may lead to bleeding due to the fragility of the involved skin. If genital LS is not treated, it may progress and change the appearance of the genital area as the outer and inner lips of the vulva fuse and cover the clitoris. The opening of the vagina can become narrowed, and cracks, fissures, and thickened, scarred skin in the genital and anal area can make sexual intercourse or genital examination painful. LS does not affect the inner reproductive organs, such as the vagina and uterus.
Features of genital LS in men — In men, LS may appear on the head of the penis. Men who develop LS are usually uncircumcised. Men with LS may also have problems pulling back the foreskin and may experience decreased sensation at the tip of the penis, painful erections, or problems with urination
Lichen Sclerosus Diagnosis
To confirm a suspected diagnosis of LS, a biopsy is recommended.
Lichen Sclerosus usually is treated with topical steroid ointments such as clobetasol which have previously been the mainstay of treatment, but require daily application and have significant side effects. In many women, there is only partial symptom control.
At Epic Med Spa, we utilize platelet rich plasma (PRP) to treat LS effectively.
You must have had a biopsy confirming the diagnosis
If extensive scarring is present, surgical revision may be recommended prior to PRP intervention
Steroid cream should be discontinued
We do use topical numbing agents for the procedure if needed.
First session- PRP will be injected into the regions of skin involved with LS.
A second injection (external) is scheduled for 6 weeks later. Thereafter, subsequent external treatments are on an as needed basis (range 3 times a year or less in most cases)
You MUST continue to be followed by your specialist (ObGyn, Dermatology), with surveillance biopsies to monitor for squamous cell skin cancer- there is a slightly higher incidence of this skin cancer in LS patients.
Consider Also: Viora Vaginal Rejuvenation/ Skin tightning
The Science of Heat- Viora treatments use radiofrequency energy to gently heat both the internal and external vaginal structures, generating tissue rejuvenation including new collagen, without discomfort or downtime. Non-invasive, Non-surgical, No anesthesia required!
While we cannot guarantee a particular outcome, we find these procedures extremely helpful for the vast majority of women we treat. Lichen Sclerosus is a chronic condition and it is expected that maintenance sessions will usually be required. The determination of which service(s) are recommended will be based on the initial exam and consultation. We are not able to bill your insurance company. We can provide documentation should you wish to pursue possible reimbursement from a Flex Spending Account or Health Savings Account.