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Hair Restoration

You don’t have to live with hair loss! Hair restoration at Epic Med spa can help men and women struggling with baldness and thinning.

What Type of Treatments Can Help Reverse Hair Loss?

There are a variety of options available to patients suffering from baldness or hair loss. Many products are available both as at-home and in-office treatments.

Topical prescription medication option

Epic Med Spa product is a compounded hair growth product . Our secret compound includes powerful ingredients.

  • Minoxidil: Promotes Regrowth

  • Finasteride: Prevents Hair Loss 

Mixed with Tretinoin and Fluocinolone

PRP injectable option

At Epic Med spa, we recommend PRP and micro-needling to help stimulate hair growth naturally. Using platelet-rich plasma in combination with micro-needling treatments can help stimulate the body’s natural cell regeneration process, coaxing it into creating new hair follicles to replenish hair loss on the head or in the eyebrows.

Combination of Topical prescription and PRP is an option also.

Who Can Undergo Hair Restoration ?

Since PRP procedures use a patient’s own cells extracted from their plasma, it can be used on just about anyone experiencing some type of hair loss. Results have shown an increase in hair count, thickness, and volume in patients of varying ages who have received hair restoration procedures using PRP or micro-needling.

The Benefits of a Cosmetic Hair Restoration

Hair loss can be brought on by a number of causes. For many patients, it is hereditary or genetic, while others may develop hair loss from stress, disease, injury, nutrient deficiencies, or other issues. In some cases, it may only be temporary, while others may see permanent changes in their hairline or patches on their scalp. The most obvious benefit of a hair restoration procedure is that it can noticeably improve or reverse hair loss. Other advantages include:

  • Natural-looking results

  • Quick, fast, and minimally painful procedures

  • A long-lasting alternative to surgery

  • Safe, hypo-allergenic and has virtually no side-effects

  • A high success rate among men and women

  • Thicker, more voluminous hair

Are There Risks Involved with Hair Restoration Treatments?

As with any procedure that involves injections, there are minor risks that should be discussed with your licensed cosmetic service provider, such as infection or scar tissue. However, when administered by an experienced nurse practitioner, this risk is greatly reduced. Additionally, procedures like PRP have a much lower probability for complications since the main ingredient is sourced from the patient's own blood. This helps to minimize any risk of infection or adverse reactions to toxins or fillers.

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